Refonte.Ai Rapid Open Source Licenses

Last Updated: December 1, 2022

Attributions for open source datasets made available in Refonte.Ai Rapid are available below. This document contains licensing information relating to the use of free and open-source software (FOSS) with or within the Refonte.Ai Rapid software. Any terms, conditions, or restrictions on FOSS included within the Refonte.Ai Rapid software that are not included within the original FOSS licenses are offered and imposed by Refonte.Ai alone. The authors, licensors, and distributors of the FOSS disclaim all express or implied conditions, representations, and warranties relating to the FOSS and any liability arising from use and distribution of the FOSS. This document identifies the FOSS packages made available in the Refonte.Ai Rapid software, the FOSS licenses that Refonte.Ai believes govern those FOSS packages, and copyright and license notices associated with Refonte.Ai's use of the FOSS. While Refonte.Ai has sought to provide complete and accurate licensing information for each FOSS package, Refonte.Ai does not represent or warrant that the licensing information provided herein is correct or error-free. Recipients of the product should investigate the identified FOSS packages to confirm the accuracy of the licensing information provided herein. Recipients are also encouraged to notify Refonte.Ai of any inaccurate information or errors found in these notices. Certain FOSS licenses, such as the Mozilla Public License, require Refonte.Ai to make available to recipients the source code corresponding to FOSS binaries distributed under those licenses. Recipients who would like to receive a copy of such source code should submit a request to Refonte.Ai by post at: Refonte.Ai AI, Inc. Attn: FOSS Requests 303 2nd St, Fl 5, San Francisco, CA 94107. Please identify in submitted FOSS requests: the FOSS packages for which you are requesting source code; the Refonte.Ai product and version number with which the requested FOSS package was distributed; an email address at which Refonte.Ai may contact you regarding the request (if available); and the postal address for delivery of the requested source code.


COCO 2020 (

Copyright COCO Consortium

The annotations in this dataset are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The COCO Consortium does not own the copyright of the images. Use of the images must abide by the Flickr Terms of Use. The users of the images accept full responsibility for the use of the dataset, including but not limited to use of any copies of copyrighted images that they may create from the dataset.

CIFAR-100 (

Debagreement: Reddit 50K (

This dataset is distributed by John Pougué-Biyong, Valentina Semenova, Alexandre Matton, Rachel Han, Aerin Kim, Renaud Lambiotte, and Doyne Farmer under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (“CC BY 4.0”).

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